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Your Health in Your Hands Guide

Your Health in Your Hands Guide

Sale Price:$42.50 Original Price:$85.00


After 10 years of taking homeopathy, holistic health, and natural healing courses and meeting with some incredible natural healing professionals––this guide has finally been made. It was such a labor of love and every ounce of my heart and soul went into creating this.

It goes without saying there is 100% a place in our healthcare system for emergency medicine and Western doctors. I’m grateful for them! But there is also a need for education when it comes to healing naturally and supporting our bodies so they can do what they were created to do––heal, nourish, and protect us.

This guide has been created for you to feel confident and empowered when it comes to yours and your families health. I’ve laid things out straight forward so things can be put into practice immediately, and referenced easily as needed.

I discovered the power of natural and holistic healing in the way most people do––out of desperation after trying all the other ways to heal. I’m happy to report because of alternative medicine and the grace of God, I’ve experienced and witness some miraculous things! I got off all my Ulcerative Colitis medication, we healed our son from food allergies and eczema, we’ve treated every flu/cold/cough/fever naturally, friends and family have had no need for medications after surgeries, we’ve had friends report they are going to their doctors significantly less than the year prior, and so much more.

I want all of these things, and beyond, for your family.

So what’s in the guide? Here is a quick breakdown!

• Intro Guide to Homeopathy
• RSV Remedies/Protocols
• Cough Remedies
• Flu/COVID Remedies
• Addressing Fevers Naturally at Home
• Cold + Cough Tonic Recipe
• Garlic Honey Recipe
• Star Anise Tea Recipe
• Hydration Tonic Recipe
• Cough/Mucus Poultice Recipe
• Wet Sock Treatment Guide
• Headache + Migraine Remedies
• Castor Oil Packs 101
• What’s inside my first aid kit
• What’s inside my health toolkit
• Homeopathic remedies for first aid
• My go-to essential oils
• My top 28 tips for gut healing
• EMF/5G guide
• Opening Detox Pathways
• Gentle Detox for Toddlers
• Tick Bite Protocols
• Clean Swaps for reducing toxic load
• Non-Toxic Lawn Care
• Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide
• Coffee Swaps
• Breakfast Swaps
• My “No Stretch and Fold” Sourdough Recipe
• My Gluten Free “Cheez-Its” Recipe
• My two favorite balanced breakfast recipes
• Clean Grocery Shopping 101
• Ingredients to Avoid List
• Clean Eating on a Budget
• Non-Toxic Self Care
• Fear Mindset vs Growth Mindset
• Healing Prayer

I pray that this guide brings you the confidence and peace of mind that everyone deserves and that it blesses you and your family!

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