My Maternity Must-Haves

Maternity Pillows

Meet the other men in my life (yes my maternity pillows are “he’s” according to my husband). My hubby hates these things. Maybe because I snuggle more with it every night than I do with him? Most likely.


The Modern Life Mrs - Maternity Essentials


You’re gonna hit a nesting phase, and you’re going to wan to clean, CLEAN EVERYTHING. When you do hit cleaning mode make sure your products are toxic free. Inhaling toxic chemicals can pose a safety risk to your unborn babe.

Like it or not, we live in a toxic world, and those toxins can be passed along to our little ones in utero–I know, terrifying!

But there are ways to cut down on the toxic load. A good first step is replacing all of your traditional cleaning products with non-toxic replacements.

I did a full post on my favorite products, here!


Dry Shampoo

If extensions are my pregnancy best friend––dry shampoo is her ride or die.

I apply it to my roots after every wash and it makes my roots less greasy for longer. WOO! My favorite brand is “Cavier”



Stretchy Underwear

I love Target’s Auden seamless underwear! They are usually 5 for $20 and are super stretchy and comfortable. I just got a size up and they fit great.

I also love that I can wear tighter clothing with them and not see the panty line like I can with my other underwear.

**UPDATE MARCH 2020 - While I still love the comfy stretch of these undies, January of this year I switched to all Organic cotton under garments. I get mine from Pact!

The Modern Life Mrs - Maternity Essentials
The Modern Life Mrs - Maternity Essentials

Bra Extenders

The ladies got bigger pretty quickly in my pregnancy––and my bras got TIGHT.

Bra extenders were my saving grace. Super affordable and allows you to still wear your favorite bras for longer.

I also hate when my bra cuts into my back and you can see the bulge through my shirt. This fixes that!



Pregnancy Tanks

I live in these things.

I love wearing them under sweaters, with leggings, and even to bed. I always feel most comfortable when I have some clothing support on my bump so I like that these fit nice and snug. AND THEY STRETCH…of course!

I have several brands (Target, Motherhood, etc) but the best deal was the Time and Tru brand at Walmart. They were $6 compared to $20+ at other stores! I stocked up.

I wore them constantly on our babymoon in Florida and was very comfortable in the heat!

The Modern Life Mrs - Maternity Essentials
The Modern Life Mrs - Maternity Essentials

Jojoba Oil

Pregnancy acne was so real for me. My back was one giant cyst––it was a nightmare.

During my first prenatal massage I was mortified to have the massage therapist touch my back, but even more scared her lotion would make my breakouts worse.

So I brought my own organic jojoba oil. She said it exfoliated my back and it would be great for my skin.

My back cleared up by 50% over night! I was so thrilled.



clean beauty products

I always try to keep my makeup bag pretty clean. There are a few products that I’ll give myself some grace on but generally my face is 80% clean makeup products at all times.

During pregnancy I have avoided wearing makeup often. I never have makeup on while at the house and really only do a “full face” if we have an event or photoshoot. Otherwise I go fresh faced or just put on mascara.

My favorite clean beauty brand is 100% pure. I love that they use fruit to pigment their makeup! I use their eye shadow palettes, anti-aging lipstick, concealer, eyeliner, and I also just ordered their blush, highlighter, and loose powder to try.

I also use the Tint Skin Hydrating Foundation and Mattifying Powder from Beauty Counter.

I currently use Tarte’s matte bronzer which i’m OBSESSED with because I don’t like shimmery bronzers. But I am going to try out some other brands and see if I can find a cleaner bronzer I love. But until then, that’s my one “not so clean” face product.

The Modern Life Mrs - Pregnancy Essentials

Panty Liners

Around 20 weeks I started peeing myself. YUP. Said it.

The first time was when I got sneezing attack while talking to my husband. I looked at him in completely horror, “Babe…I just fricken peed myself.” Poor guy had no idea how to respond haha.

Then every once and awhile a hard cough, sneeze, or laugh would make it happen again.

Panty liners are ESSENTIAL for pregnancy in my opinion. You most likely will experience more discharge while pregnant (normal). So these help protect your underwear from that as well.


Migraine Head Wrap

Pretty sure I had a headache every day my first trimester. It was intense.

I didn’t want to take any OTC medications, so tried to go as natural as I could and stick it out.

I LOVE having this head wrap on hand. I recommend having two so you can keep rotating them out of the freezer.



Essential Oil Guide

My sister in law is a huge essential oils fan just like me and she gifted me this book: Betsy Bosom's Baby Book: A Girlfriend's Guide to Using Essential Oils from Bellies to Babies

I LOVE IT. It’s so nice knowing what oils are safe for your growing baby and at what stages.

She also goes into other details of pregnancy and what you can expect.

I highly recommend this book for mom’s who want to use essential oils before, during, and after their pregnancy!



Maternity Leggings

Another thing that got tight quickly—my traditional leggings!

I had a cutie little muffin top that wasn’t so flattering. The leggings started to dig into my stomach and it got VERY uncomfortable.

I bought some high-waisted maternity leggings in my first trimester and ooooh eee, one happy momma over here! I wear these 90% of the week, no joke.

I love the BOUNCEBACK Post Pregnancy Leggings and BOUNCEBACK Seamless Compression Leggings


Compression Socks

Swollen ankles and poor circulation––just some of the sexy pregnancy symptoms.

Compression socks keep your blood flowing and can alleviate swelling. These are really important if you are flying or taking a long road trip!

You are more prone to blood clots during this time and compression socks can lower the risk. I wore these each flight of our babymoon.



Wedge Pillow

I started getting heartburn in the second trimester and also came down with the flu.

My mucous drainage was horrible so propping myself up made being in bed a lot more comfortable.

I also think this will be really helpful during late-night feedings and not having to leave bed!


Essential oils

I’m just in love with oils. I have used them for years now for so many things. There are obviously oils I cant use while pregnant—but I’m so happy that some of my favorites are pregnancy safe! I only use Young Living Essential Oils. It’s a brand I really trust and know their vitality line is FDA approved for ingesting.

My must-have oils have been Stress Away, Frankincense, Lavender, Peace and Calming, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon, Copaiba, and Ginger.

All of these oils can help with different pregnancy ailments but should always be used as directed.



If your insurance covers it, GREAT. Mine doesn’t but it’s still something I highly recommend during pregnancy. I started getting back pain my first trimester and just one adjustment would leave me feeling good for a whole month! Now I’m almost half way through my second trimester and the back pain is growing along with my belly.

My chiropractor told me the further along I get the more often she will want to adjust me.

My mom said out of her 5 children she birthed I was the only one she went to a chiropractor with and I was her quickest and easiest birth––and she gives a lot of the credit to her chiropractor!


WAIT! The conversation is just beginning! Make sure to follow along with me on Instagram where I share daily updates on my growing family. Make sure to say hello––I cannot WAIT to “meet” you!

**Some of the above links include Amazon affiliate links! I only share products I use and love.
I hope they bring you as much value as they have for me!